Absolute Auction 11/2/2024 at 10:00 am: 75 W. Point Drive, Fayetteville TN 37334
The real estate consists of approximately 53 acres (approx. 40 acres cropland/pasture land with balance in woodland. The improvements consist of a 1704 sq. ft. brick ranch style house, tenant house, a general-purpose barn, and other buildings. Subject road frontage along West Point Dr., Childress Rd., and Johnson Rd. totals approximately 5,500 feet.

Land will be subdivided and sold (temporarily) into eight (8) tracts ranging in size from approximately 5+ to 10+ acres.
After individual tracts are offered (temporarily sold), tracts, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 will be combined and offered for sale and tracts 4 and 5 will be combined and offered for sale. It will take a 5% raise to combine tracts.
Following sale of combined tracts 1,2,3,6,7 and 8 and tracts 4 and 5, all tracts will be combined and offered for sale. It will take a 5% raise to combine all tracts.
Tracts 1,2,3,6,7, and 8 combined = 36.3 Acres
Tracts 4 and 5 combined = 16.7 Acres
All tracts combined = 53 Acres
Note: All tracts and combination of tracts are temporarily sold until auctioneer announces the final winning bid.
1. Buyer will pay down 10% today with the balance due in 30 days or unless the Seller needs more time to perfect title to the property.
2. Seller will convey property with a warranty deed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
3. The property has been surveyed and soil sites identified for septic systems.
4. Town & Country Realty & Auction is representing the Seller in this transaction.
5. Buyer and Seller to pay their closing costs.
6. Subject is zoned A-1 (Agriculture-Forestry-Rural Residential District).
7. Property sells “as is” condition.
8. Property taxes for 2024 will be prorated
9. The property will be sold by the tract and combined as determined by Auction Co.
10. Information contained in the advertising, announcements, and Terms and Conditions of the Sale are provided from a source believed to be correct, but not guaranteed by Town & Country Realty & Auction, or any of its agents.
11. If you have any questions, please see one of the bid assistants; they will try to answer your questions.
12. The conveyance will be subject to the following protective covenants and restrictions:
a) No commercial poultry operations or facilities shall be allowed on the subject real estate.
b) No mobile homes shall be allowed on the described real estate as a residence or otherwise.
c) No automotive junk or salvage operations or facilities shall be allowed on the above-described real estate.
13. These Terms & Conditions of Sales takes precedence over all previous advertisements, written or oral information